3 Ways To Photograph Your Products

Product photography is an essential element in selling your merchandise online. Having quality photos allows your potential customers to feel like they can truly understand the product details. There are several different styles of images that can help your client get the most accurate picture of your product.

Take Product Photos with a Plain Backdrop

Studio photos use a plain backdrop to allow the consumer to focus on the product alone. Quality studio photos enable the consumer to focus on the materials and details of your product. This type of photo creates transparency between you and your potential clients. With detailed studio photos, potential customers feel like they can get an accurate representation of the product.

Take Product Photos Styled for Context

A photo of the product styled is another type of image we recommend. A styled photo allows the customer to see your product in context. For example, you can style the towel on the oven door or a hanging rod if you sell kitchen towels. If you sell dropper seat posts, have the seat post installed on a mountain bike. Contextual photos give the customer ideas of how the product could work in their own space or purpose.

Take Photos of the Product in Use

Lastly, it can be helpful to not only show your product in context but also in use. Take the dropper post, for example, in context, your customer gets to see it on the bike, but in use, they get to know the type of trail or riding style that uses the dropper post you sell. You further connect the customer to the product by showing them it is for people like them. Similarly, with the kitchen towel, you can show it in use drying dishes or covering homemade bread. Even if it seems obvious to you, the seller, the customer can see the variety of uses and again see themselves using the product.

If you’re getting started with your business, do your best to include high-quality photos with your listings. If you are looking to grow, consider adding pictures at these various stages to your product listings. Test and see if they help your customers decide whether or not to purchase your product. Are you getting more of your target market to buy? Do you see higher-rated reviews?